

Understanding the Use of the Period After Opening (PAO) Test in Cosmetic Products

The Period After Opening (PAO) test is a crucial aspect of cosmetic testing that helps consumers understand how long a product is safe to use after its initial opening. This test is usually found on various cosmetic products, including makeup, lotions, and toiletries. The PAO symbol consists of an open jar symbol with a numeric value indicating the number of months that a product can be safely used without any harm or significant changes to its characteristics. …


Understanding Compatibility Tests for Cosmetics

When it comes to your costumer’s selecting the perfect cosmetic product, compatibility is key. Ensuring that a cosmetic product is compatible with their skin type and other products in their skincare routine is crucial to achieving optimal results. This is where compatibility tests for cosmetics come into play.


In the competitive world of cosmetics, creating formulation  that stand out is both an art and a science. Abich Inc., a leading cosmetic laboratory, has gained recognition for its exceptional expertise in cosmetic formulation testing. Their expert lab team offers valuable insights and strategies to achieve success in tailoring cosmetic tests.


Are you prepared for the future of cosmetics regulation? In light of recent developments, Abich Inc. is excited to share important insights and our commitment to supporting your cosmetics business as we explore the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA). This groundbreaking legislation represents the most significant…

Moisturizer Product Testing
Moisturizers are a staple in skincare routines, promising to hydrate, rejuvenate, and transform our skin. However, in a market flooded with bold claims and endless options, how can you be sure your products truly deliver on their promises?


Importance of Efficacy Testing According to the Type of Products

Efficacy Testing in cosmetic clinical research refers to the scientific evaluation of the effectiveness and performance of a product through controlled experiments. The goal of testing a product’s efficacy is…


Prove Your Hair Care Claims: Our Testing Solutions Are Here!

Our cutting-edge clinical studies aim to assess the effectiveness of anti-hair loss products thoroughly. These studies can be customized …



Effects of Sunscreen on Premature Skin Aging

The skin is the most exposed organ of the human body; it reflects our general health condition. As a person ages, their skin shows visible signs of aging, such as…


What are the different aspects to think about when making a sunscreen?

What are different aspects to think about when making a sunscreen? When formulating a sunscreen, one must think about …


Abich’s guide to sunscreen labels

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to decode a sunscreen label in order to choose the perfect product for you!

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