Make up

In vitro test for the evaluation of the protective effect against air pollution

Regulatory reference: Proprietary method
Claim: Antioxidant and Anti-pollution
Application field: Raw materials and finished products.
Description of the test: In vitro test for the evaluation of the protective effect against air pollution. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the efficacy of the sample in reducing ROS release in response to a mix of heavy metals and atmospheric dust particulate in a skin-derived cell model.
Posted in Sunscreens, Anti age, Claim for OTC, Antioxidant, Cosmetic raw materials, Anti-pollution, Make up, Moisturizers, Claim for cosmetics

Ocular irritation test on reconstructed corneal epithelium

Regulatory reference: OECD n° 492
Claim: Non-irritant for the eyes
Application field: Chemical substances or mixtures.
Description of the test: Identification of chemical substances or mixtures that do not require classification as (severe) irritants through evaluation of their cytotoxic effects on an in vitro reconstructed corneal epithelium model. NOTE: if the sample qualifies as irritant, further tests are required in order to determine the degree of irritant action.
Posted in Cosmetic raw materials, Detergents, Make up, Claim for cosmetics, Non-irritant for the eyes

Clinical simulation of use and ophthalmological evaluation on 20 healthy volunteers

Regulatory reference: Guidelines to Commission Regulation (EU) No 655/2013
Claim: Ophthalmologically tested
Application field: Eye contour cosmetics or products that require to confirm the compatibility with the periocular mucosa in normal usage conditions.
Description of the test: An ophthalmology specialist will inspect the target area, and especially the eyelids, before the application using a fissure lamp, in order to confirm the absence of swelling, hyperemia, dryness or desquamation. The inspection also includes any alterations of the eyelashes.
In the eye itself, the integrity of the cornea and conjunctiva, the absence of hyperemia, and signs of conjunctival or tarsal irritation are verified. Finally, the absence of qualitative and quantitative alterations in the tear film.
The specialist then evaluates and scores erythemal response, tearing, edema and dryness after the product has been used for 30 minutes, 2 days and 30 days to quantify possible alterations induced by the sample.
The volunteers also provide subjective evaluations of itching, burning, stinging or foreign body response feeling, and/or sight clouding, at the same endpoints, using the VAS (Visual Analogical Scale) score system.
Posted in Make up, Claim for cosmetics, Ophthalmologically tested

Long lasting test

Regulatory reference: Guidelines to Commission Regulation (EU) No 655/2013
Claim: Long lasting
Application field: Makeup and lipsticks.
Description of the test: Instrumental colorimetric evaluation: the evaluation can only be performed on pigmented products and is not applicable to transparent cosmetics. Clinical evaluation: digital imaging of the treated area at T=0 and after X hours from the application of the product. The duration of the treatment is agreed upon with the sponsor before the test.
Posted in Long lasting, Make up, Claim for cosmetics

No transfer test

Regulatory reference: Guidelines to Commission Regulation (EU) No 655/2013
Claim: No transfer
Application field: Makeup and lipsticks.
Description of the test: Digital images of the treated area are captured immediately after application of the product and after contact with test items. Depending on the type of product testing, contact items include skin, paper cups, glass cups, napkins, white clothes.
Posted in No transfer, Make up, Claim for cosmetics

Determination of the concetration of allergen metals

Regulatory reference: According to current regulations
Claim: Titer of substances, Sensitizing metals below risk threshold and Cadmium, Cobalt, Chrome, Nickel free
Description of the test: Cosmetic products.
Description of the test: Mineralization/high pressure microwave dissolution and determination through ICP-OES.
Posted in Make up, Claim for cosmetics, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chrome, Nickel free, Sensitizing metals below risk threshold, Titer of substances

In vitro short term exposure test

Regulatory reference: OECD n° 491
Claim: Non-irritant for the eyes (CLP Labelling)
Application field: Raw ingredients or finished products.
Description of the test: Short term exposure analysis by application of each tested substance on SIRC (Statens Seruminstitut Rabbit Cornea) cells for the determination of the effect on cell viability through MTT test.
Posted in Cosmetic raw materials, Detergents, Non-irritant for the eyes (CLP labelling), Make up, Moisturizers, Claim for cosmetics, Non-irritant for the eyes (CLP Labelling)

Skin irritation test on 3D reconstructed epidermis

Regulatory reference: OECD n° 439
Claim: Non-irritant for the skin
Application field: Chemical substances or mixtures.
Description of the test: Evaluation of the irritation potential of chemical substances or mixtures through evaluation of their cytotoxic effect on an in vitro reconstructed model of human skin.
Posted in Cosmetic raw materials, Detergents, Make up, Moisturizers, Claim for cosmetics, Non-irritant for the skin

Usage test – Required D-Value (RDV)

Regulatory reference: Proprietary method
Claim: Efficacy of preservatives
Application field: Cosmetic products.
Description of the test: In vitro and in vivo evaluation RDV for the determination of the PAO (Period After Opening).
Posted in Make up, Preservative systems, Claim for cosmetics, Efficacy of preservatives

Evaluation of the microbial contamination risk and water activity

Regulatory reference: ISO 29621
Claim: Free water percentage calculation and Low microbial contamination risk
Application field: Cosmetics.
Description of the test: Evaluation of the risk of microbial contamination in a cosmetic product by ISO 29621 method for the determination of water activity (Aw) parameter.
Posted in Make up, Preservative systems, Claim for cosmetics, Free water percentage calculation, Low microbial contamination risk